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  • Hey Matt. Hope all is good. Did you remove your Reformer enneagram because you thought it was irrelevant or because you're not sure after all? I was just curious.
    Oh, and I'm doing well. Thank you for asking. I hope you're also doing well. =)
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    Reactions: Ren
    I am, thank you! And I get where you are coming from. For me personally, being an INFJ is an important marker of my identity right now but these things are fluid, who knows how I will feel about this in the future. It's just a part of a wider process of self-discovery I suppose.
    True. I find my personality to be different online than it is in my daily life. Being online in a text based medium is very different than in person reading body language and reading emotions more directly. Online, my scholarly side takes forefront, whereas in daily life I never bring it up unless I were to be prompted which is almost never.
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    We appear to be going round in circles here.. So it is the website and not the organisation you take issue with? Because the organisation is endorsed by the highest echelons of American governance. True or not? As demonstrated in what I just linked you.
    Just to clarify, is your issue solely based on their website, or concerning the whole organisation?
    Yet you want me to account for that?

    I'm not them, lol.

    And FYI, I did already link you to a link of that effect.
    Lol, damn thing always getting in the way.

    I've been thinking about this on and off all day and im certain now that it has been heavily edited. I referred to My Massive Pness several times always giving capitals like I just did. That's disappeared. There was a bit about googling videos at work about shaking it into submission and getting called into managers office for "inappropriate workplace behaviour". That's gone too. Probably more. Makes me wonder what else they edit
    "I'd prefer to have the conversation we're currently having in PMs or here, by the way."

    Why did you choose to ignore this?
    I wouldn't be surprised considering where his character development is going in correlation with how the plot is evolving.
    Matt, how have you been? Sorry I haven't spoken to you in a while. Had a lot of stressful things going on.
    Hey there
    I remember answering you but I've got problems with my laptop.
    Thank you for the links :)
    Hello there
    Have you got another link for that The Smashing Pumpkins - Tonight, Tonight movie?
    It's forbidden in my country :|
    I honestly have no idea. I Think it was just a reaction to extreme stress, although since my lengthy illness I haven't really been the same. My mom is a nurse ands he reckons I have permanant pancreatic damage and that i need to go on some medication that helps me break down food properly. I have no idea, I'm too lazy to get around to getting tested. Doctors are a headache and they generally dont like it when patients show up to tell them what they think they know is wrong with them.

    How are you today?
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