Because that's not what I said nor what I meant. It was a correct interpretation, but not the only correct interpretation. This is my meaning when I say you use your words inconsistently, i.e. you change to a different interpretation when it suits you better.
I assumed your statement directly implied future incapability. You then said you didn't directly imply future incapability. I was wrong, but it took you a few messages to tell me that. I don't get what you mean with 'not the only correct interpretation'. Surely mine was wrong?
How should me calling him out as a troll change from "When others are rude to me, I am incapable of being nice in return." to "I was capable of civil discussion, and hence I am at fault for 'negativity,' 'badness,' 'wrongness,' 'meaness,' or whatever the hell facade of a point you're trying to troll me with?
If you are capable of saving a drowning person from a pond and you don't, I'll condemn you. If you are not capable of swimming, I won't condemn you. *shrug* It seems common sense to me. Not a hell facade.
It's an arbitrary, semantic, and irrelevant point. The rules of the forum neither the opinions of others make exceptions for an 'incapability to follow rules or the opinions of others.' as you seem to imply they should.
I care about ethics when I argued that calling OP a troll is very bad. So yeah, I imply that those should be included. However I also think these are too subjective to be used as a rule on a casual forum.
You intentionally changed your meaning to suit your whim.
I disagree. I might have changed it, but not intentionally.