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  • Yes but, even If I knew a little, it would still be alien and eerie to me.

    I may just be a bit of a prude.
    I really dislike open discussions about sex.
    They seem very unecessary.
    Also, they#'re one of the few topics which I have nearly absolutely nothing to add.
    Yeah, but you can juggle a 360 at least.

    Hey, I started at seventeen too, it's just that I give a lot to the family, and don't earn much as it is...
    Also with split parents and half siblings.

    Heh, thats the trouble though!
    Oh! Sounds kinda awesome. Heh, I don't have my own Pc either.
    I had a laptop, but it was the only laptop in the house at the time, and a few family feuds later I ended up with a smashed screen and a bleeding side!

    Old xbox=Perfect anti-theft device.

    Not only is it too big to steal, it's a bloody deadly weapon!
    Whats steam?

    And no, I actually don't own a next-gen console.

    Eh-heh, large family with low income and all that.

    Though my father (who I rarely see) has a 360, and I play that online when I get the chance.

    I do have a retro Xbox though, for Halo and TS3 and the like.:D
    OOOOOOH, Timesplitters and Final Fantasy. You haz taste.

    Thats grand! I'll be honest, your cuddly crap sickens me.

    But I really like you guys as individuals, and I suspect you could greatly improve each others lives. You by providing dove with emotional security and dove by er... Being excessively dovey.
    Things in mooff-land are a combination of exhaustion and relaxation. Mooff's inhabitants are glad it's the weekend, thanks for asking.
    How's things in the world of chaz? I'm feeling in a forum mood but there's not a great deal going on today. Any news or gossip to share?
    =O guess my instincts aren't that off then ;D and i've thought about dyeing my hair brunette (actually jet black) but i don't think it would suit me
    you know, you're not the first to say that. i always imagined you as a blonde with spikey hair before i saw your pic ;)
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