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  • Still planning on reading that. Big exam tomorrow, and then it's home free for spring break so I'll have lots of reading time at work.
    Thanks for that. I'll give it a read before bed tonight, and let you know what I think of it.
    The symbolism in that...
    It almost makes me wish to try it, almost.
    No way, my mom's favorite Cat song was Moonshadow.
    Peace Train and Lady D'arbanville are my favorites. I don't know how anyone couldn't like Cat Stevens, unless they're a robot or something with no emotions.
    Damnit. You can take away my 'fan of Cat Stevens' card.
    Good song, regardless. My parents used to play his music all the time, and I grew up listening to him. Sad that he found 'religion'.
    It is different because you are soliciting info/advice/trying to oppress me with your views on instituting an all female hiarchy.
    Thanks! I'll be sure to be completely insufferable and only use my powers for evil.
    This place is not stop drama and I am lovin it. I just wish it all came in one thread and was easy to keep track of timelines-wise. Woohoo!
    I could totally see you as a librarian, except you'd be the cool one that everyone likes. I could see you working at a place like my university's library, especially in the special collections where they have banned radical work.

    Even if the social service work isn't your career, I think it's admirable how much effort you've put in to it. Most people talk the talk, but they'd never have the guts to be in your shoes.
    Right now I'm a duel major with Lit and History. Kinda thinking about changing (again...sigh) but I think you'd be awesome in Lit. If that writer's work soup ever comes around, I just might dust off the pen and notepad, if you do it online and all.

    The music is kinda iffy right now. I think after the touring/band-fights/bad talent reps from the summer I'm kinda burned out of it. That, and I don't have time. My instruments have just been collecting dust. Maybe I'll get back into it over the summer.

    I'm glad to hear that the job is at least getting a little bit better. I'm sure a break helped a little bit. Do you think this field of social service is one you want to stay in, or are there other fields that you're interested in?
    The writing workshop sounds awesome! I'm actually really curious to know how that develops for you. The pieces you've shared proved that you got "it". I've always liked your personal style and prose. That's cool that uberrogo was able to make it home for some leave, and even neater that you got to hang out with him.

    School's going alright. I'm taking 16 credits this semester, I'm working about 20 hours a week on the night shift, and volunteering as an English as a Second Language teacher at the refugee center down town. I'm kinda burning the candle from both ends, so I'm looking forward to a break. I feel like I've got no time to do anything, but keeping on schedule makes things manageable. How about you? Weren't you taking classes this semester? How's the job been going? Any better than it has been?
    I know what you mean. All the snow had melted here about a week ago. Temps in the 50's, and now we're just getting hit by storm after storm. Slushy shit everywhere, and never ending snow. Winter's the pits this time of year.

    Other than that, how's life treating you? Any exciting developments?
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