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  • T
    I like it when you're all riled up.
    Remember that thread about this being the home for infjs? :P
    You're so kind to me. I do appreciate it. :)
    May you always have reason to be happy.
    To be honest I haven't been reading many threads either, I just wanted to point out the hypocrisy without picking a side.
    How have you been by the way?
    I was trying to point out that it is kind of hypocritical (sp?) that now accuse him of trolling when the intpc thing went down a few months ago.
    I agreed with you in that post.
    I'm sorry if I couldn't use your post.
    Not at all, you have excellent posts and I believe they are truly meant to be constructive.
    It's L.A.X. by Big D and the Kids Table

    The attitude of the song just reminds me of you. It's one of my favorite songs, and you're one of my favorites here, so it make sense!
    It was a kind of organic thing. She had this "stray" (I shouldn't use that word; it sounds disrespectful) and they got a house together. Then I got divorced and moved in and her brother was in a car accident and became a paraplegic and he moved in. Then her cousin came home from Vietnam and he moved in and pretty soon... Tell me about what you're imagining.
    You mean besides beautiful and quirky? Let's see...adventurous, kind, voracious reader. She tended to take in strays, but then so did I, which is how we got together and we sort of took turns taking each other in> Organized; ran the large household we eventually started.
    What's stranger is that that's exactly where my ex-best friend, D., would have got them and what she would've said after losing them.
    Is that you in the awesome glasses? Because if it's you, you look so much like my old ex-best friend, it's astonishing.
    Of course that's what you said--and articulately, I might add. I just meant I was so surpised to hear it coming from Billy, I almost fell out of my chair!
    That'd be awesome. I'll let you know if my plans ever come to fruitation.
    I might be in the windy city area sometime in the spring. Feel like starting up a radical protest of some sort, or making some type of mischief?
    I fear I may never be sane again, but that was just too funny to pass up. Well played my friend, well played. You win this round.
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