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  • S
    I'll comment on your gash when you show pictures of it against a ruler.
    I was checking out Shai's page and saw the comment you left about cigarettes and his wanker. I wish I could rep you for that.
    Hmm well thats exactly why I haven't been on actually :/ I've been avoiding the questions and such for a while, grieving in the dark, because I knew that everyone expects me to have a flawless wonder dream trip...
    Haha well its a love-hate kind of relationship..
    Some revelations are very complicated to me on many levels, some even become psychosomatic... I just wouldn't know where to start and besides the trip isn't over yet. I fly back january 23d ;o
    Name the cigarette and I'll take a photograph of it next to my penis.

    In exchange for a few photos of you.
    :) Thanks, but on the other hand, there's no reason why you should pay any attention to my idea. I have a habit of annoying my arty friends with suggestions about their work, and I should really learn to zip it. There was this one time (at band camp) when I suggested my graphic artist friend should write a graphic novel about evil pigeons. Unsurprisingly, my thoroughly detailed plot outline text messages were simply unanswered. Ah well. :D
    Is this wall new, or am I losing my mind? Hope your writing is going well :)
    I really like and agree with what you said in the Men fuck they don't make love thread Acd. I wanted to rep you but it didn't let me.
    I never assumed that you were actually Christian (I figured you weren't), but I'll tell you what pissed me off. Your reply was to a statement I made that was an "I think statement". Actually, I think it was in the negative form "I don't think", but same difference. The thing that upset me is that you dismissed my belief (I can deal with that by itself), but then, in its place, you asserted the validity of Christianity as being superior to my belief. In other words, you used an argument from authority. Twice you said "According to Christianity....". That coupled with "I don't really care what you think" (not exact quotes) gave me the impression that you were basically saying that what Christianity holds to be true is better than my opinion simply because that is what Christianity says. I'm extremely hostile to any religious idea that claims supremacy over my opinions just because it is a religion. It doesn't matter whether you personally believe in what you wrote or not- the fact that you dismissed my opinion and held up a religious belief over my opinion simply because it is religious is something that I loathe.
    I see you are violating our love with Smiffy. This relationship is over, but you will always be in my heart <3
    ah yeah, thats what I mean, the site is good as I know some people sorta think like me, but I have lots of S's as friends theyre nice, my best friends tend to be N types INTP,ENTJ,ENTP,ENFP,ISFJ, I have noticed differences in the topics of conversation between S's and N's though, but regards manners and loyalty there is no correlation, yeah I just like to have fun, comp games, just being out doing anything really or staying in with the right company,one girl i worked with was ESTJ, she always keeps her word, we are very very different but i respect her. yep some of the INFJs here are crazy or have had such rough lifes, what about you? what do u do for fun out there in the real world
    yeah Im a group organiser, in irealnd we have alot of snow for us, we dont get snow so everyone is house bound, I hate been house bound so I ended up organising stuff to do for all my friends, we all going bowling tomoro well bout 8 of us, its just not in me to be indoors all day! drives me mad, I find it perplexing that my type is meant o be an INFJ? how would i go about finding one? im increasingly thinking mbti isnt as good as i think it is
    I also find the length and complexity of the posys, this site must take up alot of some peoples thoughts, for me the more I keep myself out of my thoughts the better I am, I try to live like the sensor! but my mind never switches off, think alot of people on this site are the same
    I teach maths, we dont have grades, 13-18 year olds, having people that can go to bars call me sir is still weird, most intraverted extravert, we would agree with that, in gen i noticed we like company but small crowds, yeah I can find typing and reading tiring, I like to speak and talk in person more than anything, your right about the potential of people, but some are just so far gone theyll never come back! yes this place is more intellectually simulating, i ended up on the infj chat and it was a bit mental, wasnt as stimulating as the posts lets say
    I knew I was special.

    Let's finish this evening with a glass of chardonnay ontop of a bear fur, glazing onto the fiery abyss of my Fireplace.
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