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  • Oh it is easy, go to the main page, and click on the white link near the top of the page that says "Click to Join #infjs @" and you can enter, me and quinlan are currently in there.
    I also think we have a lot in common despite
    our age difference. It's nice to meet strong independent women.
    That was touching, this happened all happened to you, I would've never guessed. I won't ask what you had. I would love to continue to read what you write, its amazing. You must've had if not anything a life worthy of a book. I admire you so much, and I've barely known you for three days.
    I could but it'd prolly be easier if you give me the you tube link and time that the image you want comes up.

    After years of trying to help my mum navigate around things I've learnt that telling others how to do something on a computer isn't my strong point :D
    Ah but it is still a fresh start cause I'm not about to be saying anything.

    And it's great to hear you feel at home, it’s quite a different environment, more accepting I think and I wouldn't worry too much as I suspect most won't notice.
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