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  • *SMOOCH*

    This has been a drive bay kissing. You may now go about your daily business! :D
    Hi anica,
    You mentioned before that you finished law school, and I can see your stats as a 'recovering attorney.' If you don't mind me asking, I'm extremely curious about your career experiences. What area of law is/was your specialty? What attracted you to law? Did you always want to do this? Or did you take a detour before you arrived where you were?

    I hope these questions aren't too candid. This is the direction I'm heading in, and I'd like to hear the perspective of another INFJ in the field.
    Well thank you for showing interest. I always enjoy hearing that others enjoy my viewpoints and opinions.

    Why do you feel i'm a loner?
    Hello Anica, i'm currently reading your altered states thread (haven't quite finished it yet) and I can see why health care is a major issue you too, and I can also say that I didn't quite grasp the depth of the points you were trying to make in the aspergers thread. So, since you wanted to talk, what do you want to know about me; i'm not an open book or anything, i'm not gonna lie, but i'll try to 'open up' (hopes this message isnt' too long >.>)
    Thank you. Making other people feel good is one of my favorite gifts because it's one I love to share. :D
    Thanks for the blog comment! Tis an honor as I admire your skill!
    Yeah! I love your album! Are you gonna post some pictures of your garden so I can be wickedly jealous? Hope things are looking up and you've fully recovered from your illness. I'm getting there. Slowly.....Apparently I'm not the spring chicken I used to be. I am looking forward to more posts in your blog!
    THANKS :D was a good day.

    Edit Avatar and switch them.
    Sounds like a trying time emotionally for you, it's a pretty cool avy. If you have a copy of the old one then you can change it under User CP/options, if not I'll re-do it on Wednesday when I have youtube access and upload a copy that you can save. & you're most welcome.
    This is true, very true. I'll see about it next month when I actually have a few bucks to spend! :D
    Lol! Seeing is always good! I need to get my eyes checked sometime soon. I can still pass the eye exam for the ol' vehicle, but it's harder for me to concentrate on the compy screen.

    Woot! Now we share something else in common! Birthdays!

    I triple dog dare ya to be extra naughty today!
    I'm doing well, and getting better, I've come to see the theme of my life return, a whole lotta bad has to happen for some good to show up, not even a lot of good, just good. :D
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