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  • good point. ive been talking to RL too. i think i clearly have preferences for F but tend to subconsciously hide it some
    only? smells like a hasty generalization :P. kidding. i agree for the most part.
    pardon? and haha, i was thinking about messaging person, you!
    yay, you are admin! i would have voted for 'ya also...
    i'm spiritually doing better, which is also having a positive impact on my interactions with others.
    maybe we can meet again some time in the future, friend. peace be with you :)
    you have time for a question or to (via PM) really quickly?
    also, you have a video out there?
    hmm, yeah when I tried recording it was really slow too. oh well, I guess I'll just give it a whirl anyway. thanks a lot for your input! I'll post a thread once I make one.
    hey, I saw your INFJ video on youtube, it was one of the best that I've seen so far. I'm considering making one, and I was wondering what program did you use to record it?
    Are you getting enough healthy fats with your new diet? The body will go into starvation mode if you don't consume enough fats.

    Also, for your grain I reccomend oat bran. The high fiber and protein will ensure a steady blood glucose increase and has other very good health benefits mentioned in this article

    From what I've read and experienced myself, oat bran are quite a bit better than regular oats. Although avoid anykind of instant versions and such, and boil it as opposed to using a microwave if you choose to try it.

    It is also, only mildly inflammatory, as opposed to other grains also whole grains,that are very inflammatory

    Anti-inflammatory foods such as garlic, ginger, and most vegetables and most fruits are very good at controlling cortisol levels, thus promoting muscle building.

    On a side note, I have roughly the same diet as you, as I have concluded that such a diet is the healthiest for the human body, but I do eat quite alot of oatbran, and small amounts of wheatbran on top of the cooked oatbran. I also include home-made vegetables juices, any kind of juice you haven't made yourself should not be eaten, and one should eat fruits whole and not as juice, although as long as you make the fruitjuice yourself it's still very healthy. However, the sugar will be absorbed faster, which is to be avoided.

    Also, one should eat half of the vegetables raw, preferably foods like onions, garlic, ginger,salads obviously etc, while vegetables like carrots, spinach, asparagus, cabbage, etc, can be boiled/steamed. The mentioned vegetables supply more antioxidants when boiled/steamed as opposed to raw.

    "Deep fried foods are notorious sources of free radicals, caused by oil being continuously oxidized when it is heated at high temperatures. These radicals, which are highly reactive because they have at least one unpaired electron, can injure cells in the body. The antioxidants in the oil and the vegetables get used up during frying in stabilizing the cycle of oxidation."

    The vegetables that it feels natural to boil is a good rule of thumb as to what you should boil/steam or not.

    Also, you should avoid potatoes, as the starch is quickly turned into glucose, thus raising your blood sugar rapidly. That being said, variety is key.

    Also I reccomend this site
    I second the feeling against Satya, he beats the drum then the mob takes turns throwing tomatoes. If these were intellectual discussions I wouldn’t care but they’re just flame fests.
    well in that case i do hope you get some good rest. I think that it will probably be a crazy week for you. just a guess though.
    i hope so.. well i hope you have a restful evening. considering you have to go to work tomorrow. maybe it's just me, but you seem exhausted. ah well, tomorrow you can blame me, 'cause i'm like what? a small fraction of your problem (aka work :D)...
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