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  • T
    Oh nvm about the pm :p I see you already banned him lol.
    All I know for sure is beetpoet, shes new heard it from QP...I am wondering if you should post a thread in updates and notices asking if anyone else is having issues, have them PM or visitor message if they can...Or if others know who else cant post. I still cant do anything...but this.
    I can't tell what the problem is, hough. It *looks* like you're set up correctly. Who are some of the other members having problems posting? Maybe there's a pattern.
    I dont know what it is, But cant do anything but look...cant even friend request. I get no error just redirects arent working i think.
    oK, I told DJ too, thought he was working on it but hes gone now...I cant Pm, Post new, or get into mod panel either. Ive been told there are a few others experiencing this too.
    Yea, thanks anyway! :)
    DJ did it :p
    Arbygil :hug:, just wanted to thank you so much for being such an awesome administrator, I have always admired you and I loved the way you handle this whole situation, I am just hopeful that the forums will indeed go back to its lovely state :).
    Sci-Fi is the only way to spell it! Yeah, I am too. Glad you like my Data and Spock mugs! I have lots of misc. Star Trek junk. Live long and prosper my friend!!
    At least you have sand. They use crushed rocks here, and don't even bother to plow anything. :tongue1:
    You my dear have earned yourself more brownies next month. I'll be sure to fire them up because you can handle the heat!
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