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  • You may care about people, but your caring is very primitive. Your so overwhelmed by Feelings, you care for the person emotions rather then fix the actual problem...

    Irrational...? Indeed.
    ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. idk. we were thinking of not actually having a club, but instead just spreading the rumor of a club. hahaha. like, we'd say stupid ass random stuff and leave all these pseudo infjs to make some conspiracy out of it. Like "Bickelz, I think Elowen alpha charlie charlie ice cream Indy naked Arby upside down Wyote. WIth a ponytail." "Saru, I completely agree." and then people would be like "DERRRRRR WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?" then we'd get banned for making fun of people, when in reality we're just letting them make fun of themselves. if we did have a club, it'd have to be an acronym of INFJ. Intuit N-words Fuck JUDGES. aka PSYCHIC BLACK PEOPLE WILL FUCK THE POLICE. basically. or like, if we didn't want to go the racial route we could just call it Psychics Anonymous, set up an donation phone line, and go to canada and hunt Neuropedias.

    I think I would make an excellent Ne person. If only I didn't hate it so much.
    You didn't have to mention my name ;P
    I just didn't want your post to go unnoticed ;)

    We should start a group of people with cats in their avatar.
    Yeah, I didn't think of it either until I looked up "how to search a user name on youtube" I was like *Facepalm* lol
    was i too forward? we dont need to do whipped cream. we can just do like... skim milk.
    F functions are not irrational. Sorry we "F"s care about people instead of pure logic.
    I don't think it's impossible to combine both.
    I say such things because I imagine there might be a risk of being dissapointed if you do make your way over.
    When people don't fit in because their countries are too small/isolated/intolerant, they go to the United States. I understand some people leave this country for the very same reason, but they're way fewer.
    People in Northern Europe are generally considered cold. A problem in my region is a mentality that nobody can ever succeed without people being jealous. Over here, people are interested and you and pat you on the back when you do something well.
    I mean, there are so many differences and I guess it all depends on the individual which one they prefer. I just know that my country was too small, too isolated, too limited for me.
    Europe is very different (obvz), but not entirely in all the good ways. America is extremely open and interested in people. Europe is not like that. It's like America's rude, goody two-shoes cousin.
    I've been to nyc and London. They are both quite lovely places.

    Did you think your Swedish teacher acted different than Americans? I'm always curious in how Swedes are percieved.
    I'm from Sweden, and I think I know you mean. We do have "better" social structures and stuff, but America has something... I can't describe it. My country is very isolated and no opportunities or out-of-the-box thinking. Have you ever been to Europe?
    Yeah, pretty ridiculous.

    Why is that flattering? I mean, I totally agree, I just want to see if your reason is the same as mine.
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