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  • Omg you are fucking psychic with the m&ms...goddammit get out of my brain woman!!!! Lololololol!!!!!!
    Priorities, priorities :::tsk tsk tsk:::: :::slipped on cheescake::: :::passes out::: lololol *my stomach still hurts from laughing so hard*
    I'm going with latex *SNAP* LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!! *OMG I'm laughing so hard my stomach hurts*
    It's the truth :m105:

    p.s. I need a monkey without the makes me appear feminine -_-'
    :tea: kampai bio --i'll drink to that!!! im having beledere and so are you, here you go...
    :emptybath: <----tub full of belvedere
    hehehe but thats what we love about you Korg-ita. LOLOLOLOLOL...that shit was SO fucking funny. honestly, its probaby random leftover perverted energy of mine. im a mess.
    yeah, i think you get a "trophy" whatever that is. i personally feel there should be more of a tangible prize. like a personal request from the forum of some type. like there must be a banner on the homepage saying bionic fuckin rocks and you suck balls for a week or sumthin.
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