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  • well, for an ENTP you have a well developed Fe, lol!!!! You are so right, people deserve a save place. That is what made this place soooo special; it was a save place for all the sensitive souls on the internet!! xxx
    My mother is Maori and my father is Pakeha (new zealand/british)
    I am related to Tariana Turia, by law. She is the head of the Moari party in parliament.
    My mother's younger sister used to work for her, she is a psychologist and studies the mental health of Moari people and how it has affected our culture here in New Zealand.
    I grew up surrounded by the Moari culture, so naturally those films had an effect on me, they are surprisingly accurate.

    One thing you should know about the Moari people is that they are extremely spiritual people. Like the American Indians, they have a strong connection to nature and their past, they are a very proud race.
    ah, no, i'm all about thinking

    however, i think Descartes is wrong when he says: i think therefore i am

    i think he should have stopped at: thinking

    the whole concept of "i" is learned

    one example is feral children, who grow up without contact to other humans. they don't have self-awareness. so this self-awareness stuff is not natural, it is what others, who were taught in it, teach their children.

    it is like someone creates a name of his computer, and begins to treat his computer as a person, and then the computer will look as a person, to some extend, because this personality was projected in it

    with brains - i.e. neuro-nets - it's even easier, because they are more plastic. if you communicate with a brain as if it is supposed to form a "self", it does. this even works with animals, check the most recent studies on primate language acquisition and intelligence. you can train a monkey to have moods, and sometimes it will say to be sad or happy, depending on circumstances etc. but if you don't teach it - it won't

    anyway, the main point is that we take this most fundamental thing for granted, it's everywhere in our language, in all forms of communication, but it's not something natural or fixed.
    I realized that I was freaking out, like I do when I care about something, and I so just went and toned it down a bit.
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