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  • Good that you are feeling at least a little better. Hope it works out completeley soon. My case was severe, also with fever and sickness, but it was gone in about 8 hours, so I'm lucky. I was just amazed that it happened at similar time, after we discussed your condition.
    Oh, haven't visited your profile for a while. Looks great! This picture fits so well.

    Hope you are getting better. Surprisingly, I went through very similar health problems yesterday, because of some bad food, in my case, but am okay now.
    *hugs from a safe distance*
    Glad I could make you laugh.
    Sending you well wishes and I hope you return to health soon!
    Thank you so much!!! Good Luck to you too! I forget that there are so many people going through the same thing!! My motto is slow steady progress, lol! Boy, progress can certainly be slooooooooooooowwwwwww! :)
    ahhh lol, I forget you cant view them lol..Im glad you liked my avatar lol..well I have to go to sleep for now lol..goodnight:)
    quick comment about your sig. you function order is in black, and thus unreadable to many. I, like many others, use Black earth, so the back ground is black. Might I suggest for that part, you highlight it and hit
    Thanks for the rep. I agree, there are too many blindly ignorant people
    It's a nice avatar. Thx. Well, if you ever figure out why, let me know. I'm curious.
    I read that you had a headache, did you take aspirin or something? It's really cold but I'm great today, thx for asking :)
    lol, I noticed too but I just like landscapes and sunsets too much to change it :P. How are you doing?
    Hey. I deleted the "Sorry for any misunderstanding on my part" comment, since it probably takes away from the thread. Thanks for clarifying.
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