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  • R-Mon?!? That is too AWESOME!! :D I just read that in a thread right now and started laughing out loud. I've been away from the computer for a couple of hours that's why I didn't respond sooner to the friend invite, which totally made my day happier btw. (Oh! To answer your question I'm doing alright today. Thank you for asking) An energy drink!! I totally want one of those! I can always think better after having a couple. :D
    Just wanted to say Hello! :wave: I really enjoy reading your posts and threads. :smile: I hope you have a wonderful day today!
    Great, I hope she's the one for you! She must be very nice. I don't know if you're a religious person, but if it doesn't offend you, I'd like to pray for your relationship to work. Don't think I'm weird, (I've never done this before) but I've watched long distance relationships go very wrong, and its not something I'd wish on someone else,(especially a guy like you.)
    So, what's new? I'm going to be running around busy, for probably the rest of this week, I hope something good comes out of it!
    Lol, sorry, I wasn't even supposed to be on! Arg, I have something important to say, but it keeps telling me some "bb code size" crap. Hmm, I'll try spliting it up.
    You give me hope, because you have been through much, much more than I have, and you still seem to be determined to make it. To someone like me, that shows very great strength.

    Also, how you walked through that snow storm for that girl, it seems like there are still real romantic guys out there! Here I thought guys like you only existed in fantasy. I hope that in the future, you get a wonderful girl, who is as loving as you seem to be!
    You're welcome. Do you feel better now that you have a direction to go in? The sky's the limit. You give me hope, thanks.
    Ortorin, there really aren't any words that I could possibly feel would be an appropriate response for what you lived through. I just have some kind of new respect for you...I'm not sure what else to say.
    Sounds reasonable. I started reading, and I'm truly interested, but I'm also extremely sleepy/exhausted... So I've decided to go to sleep and read the whole thing tomorrow when I wake up. I'm glad you're biting the bullet and going to share. I've considered doing the same thing myself. Maybe you will inspire me. Either way, keep your chin up sweetie... I'm glad you're here. :) Good night.
    If I feel compelled to write to you during your bio, before you're done writing, can I do so through a random comment here, or PM, without getting my head bitten off? Just a quick question before the bio goes underway, and what not...................
    No one else on this forum has yahoo--get with the program. AIM or MSN, budday.
    Hmm, the closest I've come to being around the military(you know, besides grandparents)was my neighbor, who stalked my mom last year. He was a REALLY big, buff guy, and apparently not used to being told "no". He had some mental problems...so I'm quite curious to hear about the military from a positive point!
    (Oh, we finally got rid of him, its a very long upsetting story, but we won.)
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