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  • Yes! me too XDDD
    I played the Wii version and Especially the soundtrack! And the effects. OH GOD.

    Still haven't finished it yet, tho ;__;
    I don't know how many hours I just slept. I'm not happy about it. How are you?
    I didn't use summoning all that much. I heard stitch was pretty god like in KHII. Hundred acre wood...oh lord. I know disney backs this game, but seriously, that world is utterly retarded. I also skipped chain of memories too. I've read a few guides and synopsis's and the plot line is utterly convoluted. The game is pretty decent, combat system wise. Everything works and everything is (mostly) balanced.
    Proud mode isn't really hard....It's more cheap than anything else. I had a few moments where I just raged out all the BS nature of the game, but alas, I think it was worth it. Sadly though, I didn't get the secret ending because I didn't do the whole winnie the pooh world (I hated it in KH and I still dislike it in KHII) Still a good game. Once I get home, I plan on playing through again forcusing on melee combat, drives, and limits. (The character I beat the game with was focused on magic mostly, with a little bit of summoning thrown in)
    She my sister :P even so she has a rotten disposition and that pic is about as happy as she was since the whole weekend was about my other sister(graduation and birthday)
    I think I was one of the ones that might have told you that, but I said it in jest. Everytime I saw it I broke out in a big ole laugh. As for me borrowing it I couldn't, thats all you :)
    Chiristmasu my friend. :smile: I need your help. Well, would you like to help me to celebrate something here?
    I want to draw cake for something. First let me know, do you have enough time to do so?
    How are you feeling after reading my solution? Christmasuuu, :hug: i guess, we must be koala bears
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