Hello insane colleague, how are you this very fine and dandy day!?!? Innocent?

I cannot create any thoughts that were not already there. Haha jk. Well if your awesomeness coupled with my awesomeness equals 2 squared the awesomeness then yes in turn your awesomeness makes me awesome.

If you are confused by anything that was just stated or if you understood it completely then that proves my point and makes you awesome at a whole new level.

Indeed I have on Monday night but it did not last long and sadly my clothes stayed on. And don’t worry you missed no story times but I did write an erotic story of my own that I may read on the next tiny chat if the moment is right or if it is requested. We shall see… ;D Thank you, thank you. You are too kind but all credit goes to you, for you bring out the evil genius in me!

No, if you stop replying how are we to develop this plan? I have not yet developed the abilities to communicate telepathically unless you know something I don’t… O_O