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  • Thanks =) I'm just afraid that I'll end up feeling too sorry for what ever poor sap wants to take over the lease.
    Lucky you D: I can't believe you belong to that rare "never seen Star Wars" group... I only belong to the "will never watch Avatar" brigade...

    Well of course it's genius ;D I came up with it. That's an objective fact.

    If I were a lurker and stumbled on our conversation, I probably would read it :D why? I DON'T KNOW.
    I really enjoyed watching the second star wars special with the commentary. The cast was hilarious... and that proves how geeky I am because I actually watch the commentary tracks LOL

    Ah, but see that's the genius in it. It's not intended to knock them out, but rather, ah, give them a goofy feeling because they're so used to being exposed to the stuff that it'll have less of an effect on them. Then, ah, when they're not, ah, expecting it, we will, ah, hmmm... pull out the, ah, heavy guns X3 /Jeff Goldblum impression
    They took Zeus!? OH NOOOOOOOOOO. Lol I <3 Family Guy!

    Well, first of all, we need to get rid of all these creepy pikachus... *blasts them into the river so they can get electrocuted to death* okay, that was easy... next, we need to move this van away from the river. Warehouses are much more inviting for this kind of operation. Then, we need to buy brand name candy. You know. The good stuff. If we do that and lace the wrappers with a little chloroform, I'm sure our conversation lurker will feel right at home and come say hello :)
    Oh noooooooooooo D:

    They do, but I don't think offering candy from our van down by the river here is going to very inviting... I'm just saying.

    What's the problem with that? Plenty of rapists (or rappers, as the states call them) are very well-respected people with plenty of bling, bitches, and the hoes of sorts. Why would anyone be offended?
    Or THIS one

    :D you're welcome for that!

    Conversation lurkers never speak up. They won't speak up now that you've given me a scary as fuck Pikachu. That thing looks like it wouldn't hesitate to electrocute your private parts via its fangs... Well, at least it's not THIS Pikachu:

    or this one


    or this one


    He looks like a rapist... just like the conversation lurkers right now *shifty eyes*
    I throw people into the water and electrocute them... or sometimes I blast a ton of cars into buildings just for shits and giggles =P there's a lot to do, so much evil karma to gain.

    Well, because I'm moving, once this round of classes are over with, I'll be done. Besides, I can't afford the other half of the term :\ oh well... that means I'll be able to get more work hours. I'll be moving to New Mexico. There's a long story there that I don't feel comfortable with divulging right now.

    Damn right you find them interesting ;D who wouldn't!?

    So when do I get to claim my prize? ;D lmao! jk
    Good, I'm glad I don't frighten you with my violence in video games. After all, that's love!

    I don't have too many plans for the summer. Mostly summer classes and work. I'll be moving soon, later next month, so that might be interesting. I do consider our convos interesting :) no need to take back the happy comment...

    I CHOOSE YOU, PIKACHU! jk... unless you don't want jk... lol! :D
    Yeah, the villian playthrough is always so much fun. I've been kicking the crap out of pedestrians for the last five minutes. Muahaha... so relieving.

    It's cool, no worries :) I've been dealing with it for the last 5 weeks now. Only one more week until I'm done with this class :) I try to keep up with interesting conversations, but time gets away from me these days...

    Do I get a prize for having six pages worth of conversation with you? :D
    Awesome, because I just threw a car at a group of protestors because one of them waggled their eyebrow at me.

    It was for Spanish and the test was on, well... Spanish grammar things. Reflexive reciprocals, vocabulary, por vs. para, and commands. I just dislike the fact that I got zero extra study time because I worked last night until about 11 and my class was at 10 this morning.

    The "longer than I'd care to admit" comment was something I meant to delete. I was going to say that my day was longer than I'd care to admit, but decided against it. I guess it snuck into the conversation, kind of like that one time this penny fell into this guy's skull as we were walking in the city. Oddly enough, the conversation only got more interesting from there.
    If it makes you feel any better, I just pushed a bunch of people into water and electrocuted them with RED lightning in InFamous to make up for the boredom. Last time I tried that irl, things didn't go as planned...

    Anyway, my day... well I had to go to class and take a test today... which is never fun... and I barely just finished my homework before coming and replying to your message. That's right. You were a priority. Does it sting, knowing you pissed all over my unstated good will towards replying to you? :P

    Longer than I'd care to admit.
    You don't believe that? Hmm... what if... okay, here's what happened.

    So I went to log into the forums, and managed to get the homepage. I saw that you had left me a comment, but just as I went to reply, the security system deathjam put into place became self-aware and sent the souls of the trolls after me. They leapt from my screen and shoved my back to the opposite side of the room, away from my mouse and keyboard. Luckily, being an INFJ and all, I had my light saber handy and proceeded to fight off the trolls. Then, the most legendary troll of all, Mayflower, arose from the shadows and opened a portal in time and flung me into the future (about two days, to be more or less exact)! When I came too, I saw the shadow... it was so ugly... like a terrible spider with a combover and false teeth with a freshly polished abdomen, upon which "bitchin`" was written.... Anyway, where was I? Yes, then the epicish battle resumed until I got the shadows balls in a Jedi vice and forced it to return me to the past (which was 2 days ago). Ever since then, I've been frantically trying to undo the damage he did in those two days... but something tells me he'll be back... yes...

    AND YES I DID. You're so silly, asking me to "try" again. I never try, dearie... only do :P Try me.

    Didn't we? *is puzzled* actually... since you just exploded... I guess you'd be more or less a puzzle now... shit, where did I put that "So you want to build a cocobean" book... I hope my parole officer doesn't see this... and WHY IN THE HELL ARE THERE CONTROLLER PROMPTS ON MY FLOOR? I'm pretty sure this isn't a video game... but what if I'm wrong... ugh this is tripping me out...
    While that may be true, I wasn't ignoring your comment. I just was trying to figure out how to best answer the question you imposed on me :x

    Is that so? Cuz, at last check, you had lost the war like *snaps* that. Or maybe that's just my foresight acting up again...
    You told me to get my priorities straight :P don't get mad at me for taking your advice to heart lol!

    Two can play that game. It's a shame only one of us is any good at it TEEHEE :P
    Fine, sheesh. Good ending= Cole dies but saves the world. Bad ending= Cole lives and teams up with the Beast.

    It's okay; better than not having a job at all. More or less I'm not a fan of my coworkers, who for some reasons haven't been thrilled about me working there since day 1 :\ oh well, tis a mystery. Regardless, CP quotes come in very handy...

    XD oh that's funny coming from a mustached pikachu.


    I know, right? I'm super general with my music tastes. I'm super general when I describe my tastes because I lack the energy these days to specifically think about each and every band I listen to to decide which ones I like the most.
    I will get to the PM maybe sometime this afternoon. Sorry I'm not so active. xD I usually come on the forum once a day, make a few snarky comments on a few threads then leave. I shall get around to it eventually. XD
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