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  • The chaos has ended! It is our chance now to reform the forums for the better!
    Can I has more rep point per day please :3? I ran out yesterday XD. What is the limit per 24 hours? I guess its somewhere in the vbulletin info but I've never checked.
    I think the forums just logged everyone out. It's happened a couple times now. I thought I should let you know.
    Oh lol! You now me better than you think, I say Nom Nom Nom all the time XD. Thanks for the change.
    Dang, I did. Was attempting to see if using code in the user title would work, and I guess I made it go poof. No matter.
    Oh and btw, I lost the colour off my user title, and Indy doesn't know why since he didn't do it, any clues?
    Are you done making the site slow now :P?
    If you don't know what I'm talking about, ever since maybe 11pm GMT-7 the site has taken 3 minutes at a time to load a page.
    I put it on hold. It started to stress me out being in the corp because I ALWAYS had to be on. I might pick it up again in a few months.
    Can I set the reputation scale levels to lower so we can try to stave off this insane exponential growth?
    I am about go eat then go out for the evening. Otherwise I would :( I might pop on later tonight but you are likely to be sleeps then.
    Whyyyyyy is eves server move taking so long? Is it really that hard to move a bunch of boxes? It was supposed to be done yesterday at 15:00UTC, and now they even turned off their website! I NEED MY DISTRACTION
    I can't believe they only managed a draw against an unbelivably shit team.

    What the fuck were the Algerians thinking?
    I've seen your avatar quite a bit since I joined these forums. Every time I see it I start to snicker and if I watch enough animation cycles I'm laughing a little madly before I can tear myself away from it. Mayhaps it is my sick sense of humor, either way thank you very much for the laughs.
    Oh nothing, I was merely expressing my long contained admiration of your sub-species, sir.
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