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  • Oh im far from typical haha... but it is hot, I dont let most people know I like that stuff, but I really do! haha.
    Oh, but if you get on the infjs tinychat it will be difficult to miss me singing at some point! I'm usually on there and usually making a fool of myself somehow
    No, none that I've approved anyway ;p I should get around to recording something soon, but generally I never feel like it's quite worth submitting to public scrutiny. Nice thing about having a vocal teacher is that I know I'm getting good feedback and moving forward with proper technique. I will let you know if I do though!
    About, hmm, four months now? Not very long, but I've been very adamant in my lessons about sticking to classical even though my teacher usually does music theater. I think I'll get into other styles later, but classical seems to me to be the most fundamental way of getting to know the safe limits of my voice. How long have you been at it? Any protips?
    Awesome hookup, yeah its a great film, going by my stereotypical knowledge of intps I think you might enjoy it. HA!
    Awesome, you into photography or something? Im watching A Clockwork Orange, my friend wanted to see it, awesome film. Random, sorry.
    Awesome, im the man for the job then. Should we buy lip gloss and talk about boys now? ha ha ha. Kidding.
    Connecticut, I just thought I would friend you because I dont know many female INTPs lol so I thought that was kind of cool :D
    Fanfarlo is like...the more relatable Beirut. Beirut is just kind of out there most of the time. The voices are SOOO similar - for a while I was convinced that Fanfarlo MUST be a side project of Beirut, but no, they're British with a Swedish lead singer.
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