Melkor Jan 17, 2011 Why would anyone want to live in such a place? And pretty girls scare me, ENTP's doubly so. '-'
Jorge Jan 12, 2011 Wow, I really like the concept, and specially the harmonies going on. I like the little step they do in the chorus... I'll just say I like it . What have you been up to? I thought you had quit forum browsing as I hadn't seen you in PerC for a while!
Wow, I really like the concept, and specially the harmonies going on. I like the little step they do in the chorus... I'll just say I like it . What have you been up to? I thought you had quit forum browsing as I hadn't seen you in PerC for a while!
Jorge Jan 10, 2011 Let's not break the tradition :D [ame=""]YouTube - He's My Brother She's My Sister - "Clackin' Heels"[/ame] Thanks for the welcome :)
Let's not break the tradition :D [ame=""]YouTube - He's My Brother She's My Sister - "Clackin' Heels"[/ame] Thanks for the welcome :)
Melkor Jan 5, 2011 *blinks* Hrm? No explosion? *Retreats from cover* What the hell? *Picks up grenade* You're meant to have a five second fuse! FIVE! DAMN YOU! WORK! *Proceeds to jump up and down on the grenade* Work-work-work-work-wo- ..... *blinks* Hrm? No explosion? *Retreats from cover* What the hell? *Picks up grenade* You're meant to have a five second fuse! FIVE! DAMN YOU! WORK! *Proceeds to jump up and down on the grenade* Work-work-work-work-wo- .....
Odyne Jan 5, 2011 Oooh, my kinda avatars. Hm let me work my magic and see what I can find, and I'll PM you the links.
Odyne Jan 4, 2011 Thanks! Haha, no problem, just tell me what you're looking for. Although, I find your current one quite amazing. =)
Thanks! Haha, no problem, just tell me what you're looking for. Although, I find your current one quite amazing. =)
frozen_water Dec 29, 2010 *hugs*... just read your post in the date rape thread. I have a special place in my heart for people with parents who don't believe them when it comes to serious matters.
*hugs*... just read your post in the date rape thread. I have a special place in my heart for people with parents who don't believe them when it comes to serious matters.
bamf Dec 28, 2010 I would have to doubt that we're alone in the enthrallment with Star Wars. The other addicts just haven't admitted it yet!
I would have to doubt that we're alone in the enthrallment with Star Wars. The other addicts just haven't admitted it yet!
bagelriffic Dec 25, 2010 ah yes im glad you liked it just got your post, best wishes and happy holidays!
bagelriffic Dec 25, 2010 ty i hope you like it i admit it was a bit.. over the top in places perhaps. but merry christmas nevertheless
ty i hope you like it i admit it was a bit.. over the top in places perhaps. but merry christmas nevertheless