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  • Finally listened to that video. He's got a good wheeze goin on lol. I think mine was not quite as apparent but still present. More like "heh wheeze, heh wheeze" instead of "wheeze wheeze, wheeze wheeze" =P
    Haha it's ok... I've been trying to find that particular clip on youtube but I'm having trouble locating it. :dance:
    It was a joke. (Thus the positive rep.) And no, I'm INFJ. And its so clear to me now. That frankly I doubt everyones ability to type now. Honestly. I understand the vibes I get off, but there is no way an INFJ forum could see me as anything else at this point. If you want I am willing to give you a very detailed description as to why. I tried doing that to Arsal and he/she said that was further proof as to why I wasn't an INFJ.

    And I absolutely believed I was an extrovert, because I give the community the benefit of the doubt, and try to see myself from their side to see if they hold any validity. That is Ni-Fe in itself. Also my best friend is an ESTP and we're exacty opposites yet we click so well. (Not a very good reason.)
    Personally, I hate the guy IRL. And I like some of his movies, but wouldn't say I am a huge fan. Rent this one...you won't be disappointed. It's his best work! :D
    Hum... favorite; hmm... Birdhouse was an early fave from around '95; since then I'd say that most of John Henry (snailshell, dirtbike, end of the tour). I've not followed them quite so much lately. Absolute faves are 'The Sun is a Mass of Incandescent Gas' and 'She's an Angel'
    I'm fine, just anxious and stressed, but that has been an ongoing question for me a lot recently?
    Hahaha. This is what I have deduced from people who begin to get to know me: 70% have no idea at all I am gay, and will be rather surprised when they find out. 30% of people kinda sorta know, but not really, and they often say "ah I thought so, that makes a lot of sense". 10% know the instant I open my mouth.
    I'll listen to that when I get home, but from the looks of it that's how I'm laughing right now.
    I think I have it down pretty well, maybe you can give some pointers.

    It involves a lot of bodily shaking, which still feels quite noisy.
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