The comment part was blank but thanks for the rep or whatever they're called now. I'm curious as a cat, though, and would love to know what struck you in that long, rambling post.
Yea and originally both characters were going to be in one film ^_^ I think it would have been an incredibly powerful ending, had they both been in the same film and ended the same way. Not that each on their own isn't powerful, because holy crap do I still feel it.
Well everyone I was with hated it. My dad called it "horror porn." There was a lot more sexual stuff in it than I was expecting, but I think it added to the story actually.
I felt about as horrible coming out of the movie as I did with The Wrestler. The paralells between the movies were interesting. Overall it did not disappoint. I wished Winona Ryder's character was in it just a bit more but that's my only complaint. I was on the edge of my seat the whole damn time lol.