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  • My msn is gallupa1@live.com

    I'm not on a lot, and usually it's pretty random. Hopefully we can chat soon!
    Thank you dneecey. I'm sorry but i'm not accepting friend requests. Hope you don't mind.
    Me neither.. I'd be hoping there's a micro electronics engineer on here somewhere...

    Who said Ts are pessimists :becky:
    Hey hey! I actually just woke up (which is incredibly early for my schedule). I only worked a half shift last night and got out at 4am, but now I'm off running around today to turn in all my reports and what not.

    Looking forward to your PM! I'll catch you around here sometime today!
    Errm a theory about making motherboard more component orientated so you can change the BIOS chip... that and making the BIOS chip less basic so you have a rudimentary OS on the board and not just some clunky old text interface that's slower than current SSD/ Windows 7 technology?

    :becky: <- This is my smug face

    So was she after she'd recovered from being shouted at for scaring me! I was half was through the washing up and she just appeared!!

    INFJs must be sneaky... She's not sneaky when she's feeling fine, just when she's down...

    Darned sneaky people!!!

    I look forward to it! How your weekend went alright. I'm almost free from all my work
    Thanks, dneecey! Looks like I'm going to be holed up all day, but maybe I can get all this work done.

    Kick some N64 butt today, and tell me when you get the chance!
    I'm enduring. Which is sometimes the best one can ask for in hard times *small smile* but seeing you around makes things better somehow! You've a good spirit about you.

    Even if you're friends list is full of evil numbers; 6 of 66. Why its the mark of the beast! You need to hurry up and add a new friend. Hee.
    It's a job in another section of the place I already work, in library services again. I'm hoping to combine the hours with those I already work, then I'll almost be up to full-time. :) I'm so glad you had some me-time - it is important to recharge every once in a while. :)
    Hello lovely dneecey :) I'm feeling great, as it happens, cos I just submitted a job application (I love getting them done and out of the way on time and usually feel well pleased with myself afterwrds). So yay me!. :) How's your day, flower?
    a few ways but the easiest is on your profile click "show all albums" then under your current albums theres a "add new album" link, click that

    *note your profile customizations might make it hard to see the add album link
    I LOVE your avatar!! Seriously, I love all things Nightmare Before Christmas! I have a poster for that movie hanging over my bed right now!
    awww sooner or later! Just need to buckle down and get teh work done. I have like 6277 unread messages. And for some reason that frightens me. I think I'll hide under the covers til the new year.
    : / Sorry Dneecey, I'm still buried under massive amounts of paperwork and reports. I have four papers due Friday that I'm desperately trying to finish. Good new is though that after Friday I'll have very little to occupy my time with! :) Hope you're doing alright, and look forward to chatting it up soon! :D
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