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  • I sell things like sandwiches, pizza, soup and salad. Basic fare really :) I'd like to open a more serious restaurant some day, but they don't do well in this town. One day maybe. I suspect I'd have to move to pull it off though.
    Well, my best friend is probably capable of beating any two people in a fight, so I don't have to be protective. :)

    Menus just boil down to finding a number of core items you have good recipes for. Then expand that with variations and recipes with similar ingredient lists (makes prep and storage easier and allows you to move ingredients faster, which helps keep your food stores fresher). Voila! :)
    Thanks for the rep. Glad you liked the painting!

    Nobody else I have talked to can relate to it. They just call it sad or weird.
    You're great!
    We should be BFFF's (best forum friends forever, or until the forum disappears)
    Aw, thanks dneecey! I'm guessing that you're either a fan of Seinfeld, the Simpsons, or both?
    I guess it depends on why we are out :) If I'm 'in charge' then yeah, they probably do heh. If we are out for their reason, then ... maybe :) I tend to keep their attention somehow.

    And yeah, I rarely go out to purely social things unless it involves dinner! :wink:

    Thanks for the compliment on my screenname. I like your avatar. :)
    Thanks, that was from Sumone in the "what animal are the forum members" thread. We actually have an eskie so it was strange that her and TDHT put this out as my animal. Thanks for the friend request too!!
    hello there. i think i may have seen your youtube infj vid. just wanted to say i found it helpful. you seem like the bees knees! :) -random infp girl
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