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  • Hey :)

    How you holdin up? I hope things get better for you soon, you deserve it

    Oh, and I'm doing fine thanks :)
    Hi Dneecey :) I just saw ur comment about being married to an ISTJ..and the thing you wrote about writing friends off and being social, but introverted is sooo true! Lets be friends.. we can learn from each other! :)
    Thanks so much! So far it has been very nice. Everyone I seen today wished me happy birthday. I even had it wished to me over military radio. Yay!
    Welcome to Poetry Corner! Feel free to share your poetry or post a discussion.
    Dneecey(ee), see that, I added an ee to your name
    How have you been? How's the world been treating you? I've been sending warm thoughts your way.
    Hehe, you pick the post that has a shady pedo van in it to pounce on me :D classic!

    Try and enjoy at least some of your vacay, Dee. Sounds like you need a bit of R&R and maybe a day at the spa. I'm sure things will work out with the move; keep positive.
    Yeah, I also have that problem!

    I'm not really sure how others perceive me on here, too scared to ask! But I'm pretty sure I talk random shit 90% of the time and maybe I'll say something decent every once in a while. The problem is, everyone is so ridiculously mature/intelligent on here- even the youngin's!

    But that's really awesome of you to tell someone about this forum and I imagine it must've been a big deal in terms of trust to do that. I couldn't imagine doing that. I have mentioned the forum to a friend but I don't tell him what it's called or anything.
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