Thanks dneecey!
I've had an active imaginations and "characters" for as long as I can remember, and when I was in 7th grade my sister and I began thinking of an idea for a comic, and from there it just grew. Sometimes I draw people that aren't really related to anything, just because it's fun to come up with styles and quirks in characters whether you're going to use them or not
But I would like to do something with my characters and the story we came up with, but unfortunately I don't have the time that I did's hard for me to pump out drawings. I'm hoping to get into animation in college, though, for at least a minor -- I'm hoping that'll help me improve as an artist and replenish my drive, because I really do want to draw comics some day...but right now, I have too many things in the way. I'm just scared that that might not change...
And thanks again!

And thanks again!