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  • Where are you now?

    I hope that he gets better soon.
    Is it just a cold?

    Why does it sadden you?
    Thank you.
    The people make the place is something I've
    aways thought was most prevalent when deciding
    ones ideal location in the world.
    That being said it's really hard for me to
    decide. I'm not sure I have a specific locatin
    in mind so much as I have a list of qualities
    that I would like a location to meet. Such as
    good company, soft grass, warm sunshine.
    And really, this can be got most places.

    I'd love to live in St. Petersburg once again

    What about you?

    Also, how long has your son been sick and was
    it difficult when choosing a name for your children?
    I've missed it too. I don't think I realised how much. I'm also very glad to see you here.
    Hello Jenna D. An unbelievably sad reason to be back here, yet I may stay for a spell. *hugs* to you.
    I woke up too early, as usual.

    But I woke up and that is the important thing.

    Your white on white makes me nervous
    of my typing abilities.

    My cat just came over and started
    drinking my water What a jerk.

    How are you?
    *hugs with a topping of purple jello* I was thinking about you at work this morning.
    I love you too!! So very much <8. I'm not sticking around here though..i only came back to post on the thread about John :(
    could you take a look at the poem I just posted? it has taken on greater meaning than when I first wrote it...
    I hope you're happy, you've got me crying! =)

    You matter so very much to me as well. As strange as it sounds, I'm pretty sure we've got a connection that goes beyond words on the internet. You really are a special and unique person, and I too am always thinking and loving you. A friend like you is a rare rare thing. We may be distant and wrapped up in our own happenings, but I cherish our friendship and you. *sniffles*

    hugs, love, and some Sinatra.
    You know me, I just like to blend in and not make a scene. Humble indeed!
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