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  • It's coming! It's coming! I had to switch printers because the last one said it was too risque for them to print.
    Me too, Jaden could have been seriously burned. He was up on the top bunk when he set the fire and could have been trapped. Thank god he wasn't. I inhaled some smoke when I was trying to put it out so my chest hurts a bit but other than that, we're good. Just lost the two mattresses, the bunk bed frame, some bedding and a few articles of clothing and a little smoke and water damage. Oh well, I was planning on ripping out that carpet anyway. Both boys wind up sleeping with me most nights anyway so it's not like they're really gonna miss the beds for the time being.
    Well, we already nearly had the skies of fire and all that crap, and by sky I mean a mattress. My youngest kid was playing with matches ( god only knows where he got them, I don't keep any in my house) and set their beds on fire. Would have lost half the house if I hadn't had a fire extinguisher and the fire dept only a block away. What a day! :-|
    Lol, why is that? So far it's turning out that way, and not in a good way. My luck though, lol
    My INTJ has taken the main stressor off me, so it is getting steadily better. I go through manic & depressive states as well. No judgement here, sister! I hope to join your smiley realm soon. :) Thank you for the hugs.

    i hope this will be a fun game.

    as long as everyone follows the rules. hah.
    lol, you are so cute! I'm sorry... I am in a terribly "used & betrayed" mood tonight. Not my playful self.
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