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  • Funny enough, I work at a dr's office. I remember reading that you're having surgery soon...may I ask what sort of surgery, just purely out of curiosity?

    We had the insurance adjuster out here the other day...they're going to cover just about everything we lost in the fire and they're gonna pay to get everything else cleaned too. Yay!
    btw, this is the 1st time i've asked anyone on the internet to receive a bodily fluid from me that wasnt you know what!

    sorry, my mind was in the gutter for a split second. it happens to the best of us.
    Mmmm pork! :D

    pork sword?

    Hahaha!! You make me laugh babe! Mayo blasting gun.

    Rocket-sauce!! ahahahaa.

    mmmm Mayo!


    imma blast you with images of mayo!
    :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

    Um, so I'm going to fly to where you live to be your nurse while you're recovering from your surgery and we can watch Pokemon together? :D
    hehehe i'm thinking i need to waste all my parents internet and download the whole series when i go home tomorrow... ;)
    I bet! Haha. Both will be pretty fun, but Pokemon will be easier because I know it better. Then again, it will be good to have more time for Pokemon. I don't really mind which one wins :D
    Aww! If it wins I will probably go with it sorry babe :/ but if it doesn't, I will definitely save it til you get back!


    I did think about that. I love thinking about love in that manner. Feleling it.

    But that's just me reading this in a dark room at 2 am
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