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  • You're allowed to be greedy when it comes to sex ;) i'm sure he doesn't mind!! :D

    oh babe i will be hoping it heals as soon as possible :)
    good man!
    i hope he's been giving you your lovin's :D

    & definitely!
    i hope you heal fast though.
    so don't have to miss out on too much ;)
    :D :D :D
    you are making me laugh babe!

    get it all in~!
    make your husband give you some lovins to remember
    focus on the positives! :D sex whenever you want it ;D

    i hope you feel better soon babe! + kitty of course ;)

    i will be thinking of you all of June 2nd, hoping it goes the best it possibly can.
    Nope :( but I've got me some extra strength, just barely below the lethal dosage of robutussin :D I'll be feeling better in no time!
    ohhhhhhhhh I LOOOVEEE IT SOOO MUCHHH :)) :)) :))

    it makes me feel like home :) :) :)

    yeah I hope I see him EVERYDAY :) :) ahhhhhhhhhhh bwahahhahahahahha I guess I"m a reeeeaaaaallllyyy late bloomer. First crush at 17 :)) :))
    Thank you :) :) :)

    :) :) :) :) I have a crush on him :) :) :) my FIRST CRUSH :) :) ooohh weeee wow..... and you're background is soooo sparkly!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :) :) :) :)

    I saw him again... last last last week... and we locked eyes again :) :) :) hehehehehe I hope I see him again...but I guess i won't because I won't go to the place I see him soon. :( I don't even know if I'll go there again :( :(
    Right, and I wish you the best of luck with all of that.

    Yeah, that's one thing I like about this job is that I have weekends and holidays off. I worked at the hospital for 7 years and had to work every other weekend and holiday. Kind of a drag but I got used to it after a while. I kind of miss it though, my current job is no where near as exciting.
    Oh wow, I bet you'll be glad when all of that is over with.

    I'm just a lowly receptionist. I used to work in the ER in patient registration and the paramedics there taught me quite a bit ( like how to read an EKG and a bunch of other stuff) but it's not like I can use the knowledge, lol. One of these days I plan to go back to school to become a paramedic but I will have to wait until my kids are a little older. Between them and working full time, I have my hands full already.
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