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  • :P haha thats an interesting way of doing things. I'm still not sure what order things will go for me, I'm hoping degree > marriage > post-grad > kids > job :P
    I cant wait til I have a house of my own one day! In the distant future though :P Have to get a degree + a job first, *sigh*

    but seriously, isnt it a bit odd that people eat unfertilized chicken eggs for breakfast?? does anyone else besides me think this is a bit...fucked up in anyway??

    it's one thing to eat something, fine. but we humans try to make it all fancy. throwing cheese, onions, peppers, into the unfertilized chicken. WTF??
    I so am. Haha I hate this place. The house itself is ok, but I don't like our area or our neighbours and a new landlord would be nice too :P we've been without a washing machine for 2 weeks, when they said they'd have it back within a day!!!
    well i already knew you were a cannibal before, but this just seals the deal.

    you should like, sell the eggs. they give like 3 grand per egg i think. or give them to me, i'll sell them. and if i cant sell them, I'LL EAT THEM MWAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Definitely. We're doing all we can do though, and when our tenancy agreeement runs out in October we will not be continuing to live with them.

    3 of us (my boyfriend, me and our good flatmate) and another of their friends are going to be moving into a smaller, nicer house. i can't wait!
    My frigging flatmate just needs to come home :( 2 of my flatmates are horribly self-centered and only do things for themselves
    I will do my best :) I just can't afford to go at the moment, can't really afford anything at the moment. I'm super tired and there's no food in the house :(
    I should try to get my mum to pay for me to get checked out :P I haven't been to the doctors for a while.
    i could tell you, but i'd much rather you look up my nostrils and find out yourself!!

    hehehe. i kid, i kid. it went well. @ first, it was a nightmare. once i arrived home all doped up, i kept pacing back and forth in my living room repeating "i can't do this, i can't do this, i can't do this....". well, i did it. lol.

    yooo anestesia was SOOOO weird. holy fuck. i felt like i got abducted by aliens. maybe i did??

    how did YOURS go?? its good to hear from ya!! : ]
    Oh wow, maybe I should look into that... I've been this way for like 4-5 years, so I really want to figure out whats up with me :/
    I know what you mean! I never really feel rested anyway :( I think I may need more iron.
    I was on fluoxetine & quetiapine a few years back. Anti-psychs are amaaaazing for sleep, oh em gee.
    I'm considering going back on anti-depressants if I can... or anxiety medication. My anxiety is real bad at the moment :( :(

    Riding a man is just like riding a bike... except more fun ;)
    There's still a lot of fun things you can do "outside" :P

    Not as good as playing inside, but better than nothing ! :)
    Oh, that's true..
    I hope the wait goes quickly ! Although waiting for things never goes quickly :(
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