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  • It's not silly. I had the same fears at first. Well, when you do get around to posting, I'm sure there will be tons of people learning from you and your view points.
    Cliques form naturally, it's not like the cliques of high school lol. And ah, I see. You won't get to know anyone until you expose yourself (I learned that one the hard way) and I'm positive you won't sound stupid or dumb. You seem like a pretty intelligent guy!
    Intimidating, why's that? All the cliques and such? Sometimes it's more fun to jump in, you don't know until you try
    Your expression is being stifled.

    As I rather like you, I'd prefer if this was not that case.

    It's a big throne!

    Yes, underling you may be, but so far you came up with all the good ideas.D:

    Btw, where is your avatar?:X
    *Wicked grin*

    Of course!


    How devious of you.

    I think I may have to share the dark throne with you, or at the very least a dark ledge or two.
    "Life's challenges aren't supposed to paralyze you, they are supposed to help you discover who you are."

    I found that quote while I was looking for pics to share and thought you might like that. I did. <3
    *Wide grin*

    I thought as much.>:D

    Now, our first target will be the orphanage...
    Never fear.

    Melkor always has room for underlings!

    So long as you'll work minimum wage for sixty hours a week with no holidays, there's a place for everyone!:D

    P.s, there's free booze.
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