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  • I will. I usually am doing the extrovert thingy from Thursday-Saturday, but a lot of it is pure selfishness due to a blog I'm workin on, and I'm networking with a lot of musicians. Whenever there is a meetup, I'll be glad to come through and be awkwardly social, on any of those days! :)
    Within the confines of 8 Mile, Detroit. Borderline Dearborn-ish. I love Royal Oak. And for some reason, have not ventured there at all since I moved back here....
    aye keirsey.

    also, check out the satanist thread in interview a member
    Downrepping's not that bad here, it's just a way of disagreeing with a post you've made without going off topic in thread.

    Mostly this forum is about KBTS (though they call it MBTI). However Socionics isn't a banned topic.
    I live in Lansing dude, as does MF. Check out the "Where do you live?" thread. Posted something for you there.
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