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  • Sorry my rep message was cut off. Just wanted to mention it in case it was relevant. :) Happy holidays!
    Hmm, Thank you for the advice/insight.

    I will keep this in mind when I become sexually active. :)
    If you still haven't normalized by that age. How do you know when you get pregnant? The sickness, I assume?
    I am a size 18 as well...I started gaining rapidly after I had meningitis when I was 6. I was 100 lbs at age 7, 120 by age 9, 180 by age 10. I was active and actually pretty thin...and then I gained my puberty weight....I stand proud at 5'8 with my size 18 hour glass figure as well (50-42-50). I love seeing curvy women, who own it, who are proud of who they were. I was always curvier than the other girls in my classes, and it used to bother me too, but I eventually just got over it. I mean who are they to judge, when we are just as active, if not more active than they are (I am a work out junkie as well haha). I actually have more muscular legs than my skinnier friends. I haven't been sick since I was 7, My doctors say that there is nothing wrong with my weight,

    Anyways, My lovely Enty, you are very beautiful from the inside out, and definitely not as big as those women, but I couldn't help but compare myself to them as well. But I know I'm not nearly that big.

    By the way, a bit off topic, butI still haven't "normalized" yet, and it's been ten years.
    Ohh, thank you Enty!
    By taking a break, do you mean you're taking a break from writing or you're taking a break from the forum?

    How is the writing coming along? If you need an extra pair of eyes to look over something, give me a holler. I'd love to help :)

    Quick question, Enty.
    What was the web address of the writer's community/forum you belonged to for a while?
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