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  • Hey, feeling any better today? I, personally, got to vomit three times this morning. Either I have the flu, or I ate way too many cookies.
    Hey, I'm sneaking on right now because....I'm grounded.*hides face in shame* Adults don't get grounded! So, it might be a couple days until I'm back on, I'll miss you guys!
    Yeah, hahaha, like I said, still in the early stages. I wonder why no one has accused me of being insane yet? Could I actually be on to something?
    This is how I explained it to Milon:
    Ah, well, its still in its early stages...but I'm trying to split humanity into two major groups...those who strive to be Gods versus those who strive to be human. Its...a lot more difficult than it sounds.You see, I believe that evil, isn't an opposing entity to good, but the corruption of it. That's one of the general ideas going into it, and it also deals a lot with Chaos and balence...what do you think? Maybe you'll see it on a stand someday? Tell me if it sucks, I won't be offened, lol.
    Yes, oh craptastic...such a familiar word! A word of advice, sometimes if you cut out the chicken flavored ones and eat mostly beef, it tastes better! Hell yeah, you're the best anyways!! Remember that through this, you're not alone, people will be thinking about you all the time(including me!) Take care of yourself, or cookie monster might try anarchy against you! Speaking of which, I propose that punishment is the stalest of all cookies, and NO milk. They'll wish for death!
    RAMEN NOODLES?! Don't toy with my emotions!! I LOVE RAMEN NOOOOOOOODLES!!!!! *sob* WHYYYYY?!.....oh? Surgery? You can kick its ass, I know it! You aren't a lump-o-goo, you are the leader of INFJ world!
    HELL YEAH!!! He can be our baron!!! BARON OVER ALL THINGS COOKIE!!! I call dibs on the title Queen Tyrant Lady....but I'm really just a Senator lol.
    Lol, its nerves, although its never bad this bad before. Cookies it is!!! What are our national colors? I vote blue and emerald! You? We are great delagators!
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