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  • Why can't you date me if I'm not 18? Age of consent law in utah is 16 and besides which it's not like i'm gonna be consenting to anything. DATE ME O MIGHTY SMITER.

    or wait...perhaps thats not the right quote...
    I tried, couldn't find anything. Maybe I'll just ask her directly. Thanks for brining it to my attention. :)
    *hugs* If I'm not mistaken, you're leaving around today or later on.

    Take care of yourself, enjoy your stay in Africa, and I hope you'll have a meaningful experience there. :)
    Oh, and have a nice flight.
    Ah, ok. Yeah, packing is not that much fun especially if there is a ton to pack. Hope it gets easier.
    Ugh, let's hope so. The aforementioned friends are ENTJ and INTJ, people who are in their ordinary days, highly rational, mature, collected and detached. :| and I'm not really confident on so many levels. *laughs*

    And the ironic thing is that they all seem to consider the relationships for the short time, but their actions didn't really match. Is it falling in love? Or another thing I'm not seeing? I have no idea.

    But don't look down on yourself, surely you'll do a great job ? :D
    Um, I mean it's a Chinese movie. The genre was romance-drama. The setting is on a battlefield, during a war.

    Ew, weeks. That would be hell. :( And I agreed. At this point everything seems to be a potential landmine for incidents and conflicts. And with all you described...yours seems worse than mine, I sympathize and I understand the feeling, if a bit.
    My friends weren't really experienced with relationships, and each come with their own baggage, so I understand if this situation is getting...a little bit out of hand for both of them. But thank goodness so far there wasn't any emotional manipulation...at least the direct and intentional ones.

    Sometimes seeing them, previously adult and mature and intelligent people, acting stupid over relationship matters bothers me. What will happen in my relationship?
    .......you have such a bleak opinion of your friends.. o_o;
    I would like to say this is my first relationship drama I've been involved. So far the taste is very new....

    You have a lot of vivid dreams, it seems o_o The latest dream of mine is...a drama. Chinese drama (as in, it starred Chinese people)
    Fair enough - I mostly want to try it just to see what it'd be like. Just...'because'
    And okay, well my sleep is completely messed up anyways, so that's not much of a difference.
    I may try it.
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