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  • Okie ^^

    And yeah. See, that's what scares me. I'm a bit worried that it might somehow carry over or have some sort of lasting damage, BECAUSE this sort of stuff sort of happens to me already. I don't want to make my dissociation/derealization worse, y'know?
    It's more the aspect of messing with my brain that worries me, not the aliens and such :P

    And yeah - sorry. I tend to take my time responding to messages, figuring out what to say and the like, as well as I'm trying to balance my time so I'm helping myself and not just others.
    I read it and am thinking about it <3
    [in reply to rep] I'm curious of it - definitely. But I'm also wary. So, I'm not sure.
    Really? Is that a good or bad dream? :D Eitherway that seems interesting.

    I'm pretty fine by myself. But I just saw another fight between my best friends and ended up calling out one, so I can't say it's really alright.
    Hey Dragon, I already posted on your wall. But I'd love to chat with you...I feel like we'd probably have much in common (and of course much not in common ^^). I'm at university right now and must say frankly right now I've been treated wrongly and I feel a kind of hatred for people too. But at the same time, I'm trying to be open and engaging and just happy/ bright to other people. Just hoping that I will meet more people who are inherently well-intentioned and caring as I am. But until then, I wouldn't mind having a buddy to talk about many things with. I'm also 20 so I just figured we'd probably have much to discuss :) Tag me! Skype sn is prettybird0025, same with AIM. I'm also on FB.
    *hugs* sure thing! :) I also realized that too. I should've added you first.

    how are you doing?
    You are a brilliant mind . . . I see the way you think and you have an extraordinary ability to cut to the truth of things and see things as they are, without the excess. This is not a compliment; it's a fact.

    I challenge you start writing or make a video blog talking about the things you love or the things which interest you. Post it here and see the response. I think you may enjoy this. Don't take for granted what you know or have the capacity to do, not because you're young or brilliant, but because you're you.
    I have to admit I agree with you; logically it makes no sekse. Frankly, I think it's a scan to get people to buy boojs on weird det and exercise programs.
    Damned if I know, but I've read it, so it must be true. Read the same is true of corn, so I guess skinny, yellow fruits and vegetables head straight for the outer layers of the belly, perhaps in revenge for having been masticated and subjected to stomach acid. Anything's possible, I guess. I think I've spent too much time on the forums today. I'm getting punchy...or something.
    Oh, I did, I did. Thanks for pointing it out. But while I'm at it, you too, are forgiven for loving bannanas. Did you know they promote belly fat? So if you're somewhat rotund around the middle, blame it on that skinny yellow fruit you're so fond of.
    quite fine. We're having a family party for the upcoming New Year. It's quite busy here. >_>;

    Why are you lonely? :(
    Now for the dining room we want wood floor...or do we want carpet? Wood will stain.
    lol, nah. I wouldn't do that. :P
    TC is bad for me, I went to bed at 2:30 AM and woke up at noon. Now I have a headache..
    I wanted to answer you, but it said user not available. :(
    Anyways, I was sitting in the dark because my sister was asleep. We share a room.
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