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  • Hmm.. I like working, mostly because while I'm doing so I can either become so distracted I don't get lost in my mind, or it's so repetitive I can focus on thoughts certain thoughts a bit easier..

    I'm sorry you're not feeling like it's fulfilling. That is rather frustrating. :/ What are you up to now? I miss seeing your face in tinychat, although tinychat has been kind of sucking lately.
    Hey Dragon. How's things going with you? I was thinking of you earlier, hence the hug. :) I hope you're well. xxxooo
    Hi Dragon, I thought I'd drop by and say "hello" as it's been a very long time. How have you been?
    I am actually feeling a lot better than I have in a really long time. I made a decision to tell my husband it's over, and I feel an unbelievable amount of peace. I haven't felt this sure and this good in a long time..

    At the same time, I do feel my loneliness more.. I mean I have been lonely for a long time even though I was married, but I realize it more now. Yeah I noticed Valentine's is coming up.. It can be quite depressing and at the same time, this year, I'm going to focus on myself and all of the friends that I have and love. Love is a good thing to believe in in my opinion.. but then again, perhaps I'm just a silly optimistic girl who needs something to believe in.. *shrug*

    I'm sorry about how you're feeling, I know those feelings well. Not seeing the point, overwhelmed, wanting nothing more than to crawl into bed.

    Dragon. I'm here if you want to talk about anything.. I don't care how mundane or pointless you might feel it is. To me it wont be, especially if it helps you in anyway to feel even the slightest bit of relief. I care about you and I want you to know you are thought of. I'm going to be sending lots more good thoughts, hopes, and love you way.. <3 :hug:
    It's good to see you... You haven't been on in a while, how are you? You are missed. :hug:
    Sort of. Actually, I think my parents were wise, and that I should stay away. I'll miss the people but I should probably just stay gone instead of being an inpredictable wayfarer. If you need to reach me...
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