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  • Hah I just ordered that one, and a few others. How are you finding it? I'm surprised I never heard of him at school, works of people like these should be taught.
    Just wanted to say I clicked on your link in your signature and those MMT stories are pretty interesting... Thanks for sharing them... :hug:
    I'd love to - but school is SO busy I've got nearly 0 recreation time. :(

    It's a good busy, but it IS a graduate-level doctoral degree.
    I'm super sleepy darling, and I have to wake up at 4 in the morning. I just wanted to say good night and I will write you soon. I hope you have a good night, and that you feel better soon.. :hug:
    Well, I re read my post and I can see the ambiguity. I'm kind of hostile to the idea that people will identify with a totally illogical option just because it makes them feel "good" and they (whether they believe it or not) are influenced by a dominant religion.
    "Just because something is held true in Christianity doesn't mean that it is too sacred to be questioned. If that is your opinion, fine, but don't lord Christianity over me and expect me to suck it up. That & saying "no offense" are both offensive" --Says Dragon..

    If you had actually paid attention to anything I have ever posted on this board relating to religion, then you would understand that I am not a Christian.

    You have clearly misunderstood the entire post. I am absolutely baffled that you could really believe I was "lording" my beliefs over you. I was drawing a connection. Do you know what a martyr complex is? I suggest looking into it. The term was coined in referrence to Christianity.

    My original point stands: It is utterly absurd for a person to believe that their death is going to solve the problems mentioned in that thread... a person who would answer in the affirmative to those questions probably has a self-important ego.

    If you are unable to understand concepts because they don't personally resonate with you, then that is a sad thing. I've noted while reading your posts that you are usually very perceptive and insightful. I'm sorry you misunderstood.
    Hey sweetie. Sure it can be any size you want, although I'd like to be able to see you ok. And my email address is liberty180@hotmail.com. You can email anytime you want to. :D

    Also, I hope you start feeling better soon... Let me know how you're doing and feel free to PM me, email me, or message me whenever. :hug:
    Whatever keeps me in sexy INFJ man-slaves. :m026: But I hope I'll have an INTJ sidekick to cover the morning world domination shift.
    Actually any picture you have of yourself will do.. Maybe even just a random snapshot you take of yourself with your webcam while you're in chat. Thank you for even considering it. I would really like for you to be a part of my project. :hug:

    And on a side note have you been taking care of yourself sweetie? Make sure not to forget that whether you like it or not we all need to rest.. :hug:
    "What do you want to do in life?

    To become the sexy man slave of the crazy INTJ or ENTP female who takes over the world."

    That's always nice to hear. :m105:
    Yeah.. I came by your page to give you a hug and noticed we weren't friends.. crazy... :D

    So Dimples... what's a girl gotta do to get a picture of those sweet dimples for her forum project.. from what I can tell there are no pictures of you one the site.
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