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  • No, it's actually pretty simple in my opinion. Sexual attraction is defined by 'a boner' or 'getting wet' by the mere sight of someone. If someone doesn't, and is perhaps, unable to expeirence that, they are definetely not tradionally sexual. An asexual is someone who has the possibilityof becoming sexually aroused but they can never direct it at anyone in particular. A demisexual may seem like an asexual if they have never been in a relationship, but their defining moment is that once in a relationship with a person and once it has given enough time for an emotional bond to form, they become sexually aroused by the sight of their partner.
    If that's what you want to call it. Personally, I think sexuality is fluid and that there is no need for the terms 'homosexual 'bisexual' and 'heterosexual' since a person can be straight but be attracted to one specific person of their same sex, or a person can be homosexual but still become attracted to the opposite sex. All I was really trying to say is that there is a name for the type of behavior you are describing, and it's perfectly normal. There are some people who are completely demisexual and do not expereince sexual attraction outside of emotional bonds, so be greatful you aren't one of those persons. Or, be devestated that you aren't. I dunno. I was just saying, there is a word for it.
    Well, a demisexual is someone who will only become sexually attracted once an emotional connection has been established. Obviously you aren't completely demisexual because you can be attracted to attractive looking people, but you also seem to have the demisexual trait of becoming sexually attracted to otherwise unattractive people once you have established an emotional connection.
    Somehow I end up appreciating being force-fed some books by my English teachers, because they're good books, but I wouldn't read them on my own time XD. I started reading the Batman philosophy book when I was obssessed with TDK, but that phase passed. The Joker is still awesome though <33. My INFJness just wants to go up to him and give him a huge hug and then drag him around to candy stores. The Joker is hawt.

    I agree with you on the movie part...-_- Expectations=NOT MET.
    Hmm okay.

    What kind of books do you read? I love the Eragon series...and the 4th book is taking so long to get released. UGHH T______________T Fantasy ftw!
    Doesn't that make you more your "true self" then? Since you're not really confined by rules you might subcounciously set for yourself. Then again, I have no experience in this dept.
    Hmm I see. I think I'd like to get drunk sometime once in the future to see what I'm like. According to other people, when you're drunk, you're a lot more your "true self." Haha..so I'd like to see what my "true self" is like, because sometimes I have self identity crisis O__O.

    Are you feeling okay this morning? Apparently there's smth called a hangover that's supposed to be all headache-like if you drink too much o.O. Yah, not rly experienced/knowledgable in this area. LOL.
    Ah I see o.o Champagne tastes ok but I don't drink it regularly at all...everything else [haven't tasted "everything else" but enough to determine that] I don't like the taste of alcohol. xD Losing control of myself doesn't sound fun either.
    Hii! Actually I've visited your profile and looked at threads you've created and stuff, 'cause I like your posts/username/avatar :3 but I wasn't that involved in teh forums yet..and didn't think about the forum functions. XD.

    I think I should start on hw so I have lots of free time tomorrow...but I also wanna exercise...

    What are you currently doing? Besides surfing teh awesome forums.
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