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  • oright, I am off to bed for the night
    let me know how your week goes
    good night! =)
    Good morning Dragon, just logged on was thinking about u and read the thread right away to get any update on u. Looks like yr loved and cared about by many of us who 'know' u on this forum, I added u as a friend, I hope u feel a bit better today. Best of thoughts and wishes for u.
    Hiya mate, just thought I'd stop by to say a few words. I read your recent thread and I've been reading carefully all your threads and posts since I came on this forum. I know we haven't corresponded much but I relate strongly to your feelings and your situation. The sense of loneliness and alienation. The depression and frustration. I do feel like I'm making strides in getting past it but I'm a long way from that yet.

    Just so you know, I understand how you feel.
    Hey, I know you will make it through. We all do it just takes time. Its not easy you already know that I'm sure. We feel things others don't and its hard.

    But I know some how we can make it through.
    There's actually a thread I created specifically for that question. They're usually at social gatherings or something. If you don't know of any debate clubs at your college maybe there are others near you.
    Maybe you should try meeting new people? Maybe you can go to debates if you want to meet an ENTP girl.
    Well, I'm going to give you advice anyway:

    1) HYGEINE!!!!!!!!!!! Make sure you take care of yourself.
    2) Nice smile
    3) Try to make her laugh, but not too hard though.

    I bet you are attractive but you don't have a lot of self-confidence.
    I saw your post in the thread I made and that's not true! About the one that you think you're not attractive! Like I said before, you have nice eyes!
    It's called "4,000 questions to getting to know anyone and everyone" it's a good book that lots of people I met enjoy. Any other questions? ^^
    I am heterosexual. That's a hard one. I would like to meet them at school. It would want me to wake up early just to see them and school wouldn't seem like such a pain. I would like to see them everyday because for some strange reason when I'm having a bad day and my crush comes to talk to me or smiles at me, the day seems so much better.

    I would probably ask stuff about themselves. It's especially good to do if you're shy because then the spotlight is on them, not you, and people love to talk about themselves. I would start with what they like to do and find something in common.

    I try to plan what I'm going to say before I meet them. Or I would bring my question book, some people really do love that book. Plus it starts conversation.
    Thanks for the rep :) If you want any advice on anything or any girl stuff (We're not that far apart in age) let me know and I'll help you as best as I can :)
    I love helping people decide their careers, in fact, my friend who didn't even know what to do as a career. Later I narrowed it down to either a nature photographer or a nature scientist.

    I can only help others, not really myself when it comes to careers.

    You don't have to explain anything. If you need anything though, I'll be here.
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