Free Mind
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  • If you accept that an imbalance in wealth and power has an unhealthy effect on mankind; and if you accept that a system which is about competition not cooperation has an unhealthy effect on mankind then you have to look at how to solve those problems.

    To stop an imbalance in wealth and power you have to remove the instruments which uphold these things. Money, governments, corporations, contracts, debt, banks....all these things are the instruments which are used to keep the imbalanced system going.

    So as crazy as it might sound at first the solution is to get rid of these things. To people who have grown up in a system which uses money, the idea of getting rid of money might sound crazy. But money has no intrinsic value and is creating an illusion of worth.

    Money and the markets are used to allocate resources under capitalism and as we can see around the world this leads to massive imbalances which leads to conflict and suffering. So if we get rid of money and the markets then we need to start allocating resources in a different way. I think the best way would be something like a 'gift' economy under a system such as libertarian socialism in the shape of anarcho-communism.

    This system i see as providing individuals with the greatest freedoms and the least oppression.

    If you are interested in these ideas then I would look into socialism for example:

    These people advocate peaceful change by means of growing awareness. The left is very divided however and there are many different views on what should be done and how it should be done. But figuring things out is part of the human experience!

    As an individual, you can get involved politically, get involved with direct action groups, find ways to remove yourself as much as possible from the capitalist system (eg avoid as far as possible debt and contracts), move your money to an ethical bank or a credit union and out of the mainstream banks, educate yourself and spread awareness. If you do try to spread awareness be ready for the fact that you will butt up against people's false perceptions and defence mechanisms!

    Also if you stand up against the control system then expect to get a reaction!
    Yeah the problem is that school is part of the control system. The control system does not want people to evolve their perceptions because the people who own and run the control system have a lot invested in it, so they will never show anything that will move people that close to the truth, because then people will demand a change to the system and those with a lot invested in it will stand to lose what they have!

    The 'education' system can do people a lot of harm, by creating false perceptions! Usually it is experiences and information gained outside the education system that moves people closer to the truth. That's not to say that the education system has nothing to does, but its agenda should be recognised and kept in mind when interacting with it in the same way that the bias and agenda behind different sources of media should be kept in mind when absorbing it in order to view it objectively.

    My current view of life is that we are all trapped in a matrix of false perceptions. In order to move towards the truth, whatever that is, we need to evolve our perceptions. We may never reach the truth in our lifetime but there are benefits in getting closer to it. I don't know what the truth is as i am also deep in the matrix but i am trying always to break down my false perceptions and to point to the doorways in other peoples false perceptions so that they can move on themselves.

    Some people are stubbornly stuck on false perceptions and will not listen to any other perception. If enough people do that it has a detrimental effect on all of us because it allows the control system to keep things as they are.......which is not where we want to be as a society! We want to be improving!

    In a spiritual sense this could be described as trying to leave the material plane and opposing the demiurge (Jehovah) which wants us to remain rooted on malkuth (the material plane).....but that might just be a perception in itself!

    Love your posts, please keep em coming!
    Definately. If i remember rightly it talks about how the financial system works. A grasp of that is definately a step forward in the evolution of perceptions. If enough people grasp that and evolve their perceptions then the entire system has to change to keep pace with societies evolving perception.
    Thanks free mind I can't tell you how I awful I feel for even asking. I almost didn't post. But its been driving me crazy. Thanks for the support. I don't feel like such a jerk now.
    Now that you mention it, I do the same thing (provoke people to give them something to think about) every once in awhile. Ahh, great minds think alike ;)
    I just get paranoid. Someone is stalking
    me and for a moment I had this panic
    that you were him. I'm sorry.

    I know you.
    You are welcome. By the way, sometime back you mentioned surprise by my choice of music. I wasn't at all offended by what you said. Just wondered how your opinion had changed. It's part of the hazard of communicating in text only, I guess.
    Your style of engagement — what you choose to express and the way you express it. I enjoy reading it, and I am glad you have joined here.
    What a beautiful gift, Free Mind. I have this very visceral, physical reaction when I listen to Ulrich Schnauss. It's like everything in me slows and I feel the deepest kind of peace. Thank you so much!
    you've been lured by the cowbells! I'm happy to have company on the galaxy tour around the bend. :)
    thats nothing! wait till I get back tomorrow after visiting.. there'll be some more delicious pics up ;) I hope anyway HAHAH
    Good, that's excellent news! But do be careful; there's only one of you, you know. ;)
    Not bad, just sort of takin' life as it comes. I have an allergy appointment tomorrow (my allergies are NUTS) so I can't be on any medication. So I'm limpin' through. :)

    What about you? Did you see the doctor? I was worried that you might have a concussion.
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