Free Mind
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  • I tend to think the same, and I wonder how many others do who get money and let it ruin them.
    Yea, whatever that means. Because really now, did a "real man" ever exist outside the boundaries of the minds of people? Isn't that just fiction that belongs to the realm of ideas? It's all symbolism and everything can be interpreted differently... Doesn't that shake the very foundation of things? How does that feel? Being overwhelmed by uncertainty, is it scary? Is it frightful to know that the basis for everything is undefined? Can you live with that reality?

    Sure you can, I can. So everyone can.
    Yes I also need rep, if you were wondering. I'm also an impulse buyer if you were wondering. Yes, I'm also a hedonist if you were wondering. AND I can get away with it from almost everyone because I somehow have this untamed ability to justify anything that I actually believe in. On top of that it's not that difficult to refract the light in ways for other people who don't share the same logic patterns to see how the values of this world can be interpreted... differently. Though most people on this forum share a very similar logic pattern so it's not that difficult.To me, the essence of all things is chaos, therefore everything is possible.
    Dude, why do you think people get married? Do you seriously think that true love and all is going to cut it? NO WAY! You have to show off to other people, other people are important. I'm not going to reject the fact that I find other people's opinion useless. SURE I can "say" that it's "impure" and whatnot to be guided by these seemingly "inferior" urges.... But you know what? To me the suppression of what I want is far more disgraceful than doing things in attempts to become some kind of saint. Of course, some people actually DO become saints. But that's because they find that extremely important. Others..... "thought" they found that important, but in reality they didn't, then they usually end up having a midlife crisis or something like that. Well, I'm sorry but I'm not up for that kind of drama.

    So, I need all the friends I can get. Can you hook me up with everyone else on the forum? kkthxbye
    Free Mind! This was a fabulous song! Thank you for introducing me to them. I was on the computer when I started listening to it. As the music began to get going I found myself drawn to it, bobbing my head, then I dropped all else that I was doing and danced. It was great!
    "Indeed, anger has it's positives. It can be used as a motivational tool to get things started or going. That's 1 example at least. (:"
    I agree with that too! Thanks for the rep!
    Oh, and thanks for the rep. I literally loled at the comment you made about my MBTI status haha.
    300?! O.o Really, huh, math isn't really my forte lol.

    Good night, and don't let the bed bugs bite :D
    I gargaled salt water, rest, Vitamin C, tea with honey, and had some soup. Haha maybe I could help you a little bit :)

    Ummm for that question, would it be 24?
    I'm all right, I just have a sore throat :(
    Luckily it's not affecting my voice at all, though it sort of hurts when I speak.
    Sorry, is that too much information? lol sorry, how are you?
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