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  • haha... Believe me, I understand. A lot going on IRL for me, too. Try not to think of it as homework, though. Just get to it when you get to it. Whenever that happens to be will be the 'right' time. ;)
    Idk...writer?...poet?...astrologer?...counselor?...kind of taking some time to find myself right now, and heal. Questing, always questing. Something that has a higher purpose, something with meaning, anyways, in whatever sense that would be.
    Grr'night, friend-dragon.
    I'm the same way,lol. Part of it comes from working second shift for so many years though. It's hard for me to readjust to being a daywalker, lol.
    Depends on which "certain things" you mean, I suppose. Some things do come on gradually, other things walk right up and damn near knock your head off, if you're not paying attention. But we're always learning...cliche, yes, but there is truth in cliches, that's why everybody uses them. There are things I'm still learning, and the older I get, I realize how little I actually know. It's a paradox.
    I find it hard to simply "be" when others are around. I seem to live more fully in my mind, and I am at my most calm when I'm there. I suppose some would call it an escape. If it is, it's a necessary one.
    Reality can seem very harsh at times. I like having somewhere else to go, somewhere I'm unburdened by the physical. I've always done this. Is this what you are speaking of?
    Also, lol, I knew you were younger, but hadn't realized how young. I just assumed you were in your early twenties, lol.
    Love fantasy. I read Tolkien, Salvatore, Eddings, Lackey, Zimmer-Bradley, Norton and Le Guin, among others. I write poetry, often including fantasy elements from fairy tales and mythology. I've outlined a novel or two, but there just doesn't seem to be time to slip into it fully, as reality tends to eat up so much time...ever feel that way?
    I think you see yourself as intelligent and imaginative, yet guarded. Warning others to tread carefully, for you will defend yourself when necessary. Someone who takes the long view of things, and sees themselves as difficult to know. Separate, but still a part of the greater whole. Rawr?
    That was actually quite poetic...if only there was truly such a world to escape to, huh?.
    I like trying to guess what people are like or what they want us to think they're like based on their avatars or usernames.
    hahaha... PM space. Uh oh! Too many friends. ;)

    Truly, you motivated me to understand my type and helped me clarify many things that I never thanked you for. I think you know more about typing than you think. :)
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