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  • thanks for the rep, free...I know I already posted it my blog, but thought it might be more visible and more likely to attract comment if I posted it here, lol!
    Yeah, me too, lol. I really wanted to change it for awhile now, but have been either too busy or too lazy to do so. I'm exhausted, now, lol! I like the greeny sea colors combined with the galaxy/nebula pic. The way it cuts off on the header thingy on the right side makes it look almost peacockish. It's a cool effect, actually.
    Still playing around with the different styles and colors. It's time for a change...must be transiting Uranus making me feel somewhat P-ish!
    Doing okay. Things themselves haven't changed much, but my perspective has shifted for the better. I am calmer and less anxious about things right now
    Lol, I've read some of yours, but I'm also reading qp's...and I don't want to start confusing other people's blogs with one another, lol. I like focusing my mind on one thing at a time...helps me retain info better.
    The majority of issues we have in life tend to be self-created, but even knowing that doesn't always help, as we are often afraid of change.
    I'd like to get to know you too...although why would I want to ask a boring question? Hmmm...what kind of boring question? Grrrr...
    Wow...that was pretty revealing. Almost Scorpionic in nature. So you resent those that look down on you...and look down on them in return? How were they able to capture and subdue you? And, just so you know, I'm not your average human clown dragon thief. I'm a fairy who can hear you by telepathic pm if you ever want to talk. Perhaps the key can be found? *sprinkles happy pixie dust* angry chained dragon? Feeling trapped and frustrated? Or do you just like the look in his eye that promises the time of vengeance-wreaking is near? RAWWWWRRRRRAAWWWWRRRRRRAAAAWWWWRRRAAAWWWWWWWWWWRRRRR!
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