Free Mind
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  • We are managing fairly well. My surgery will be June 2nd, my broken nose is healing, my girls are back in school after their OSS, the tornado clean-up is progressing, and I emerged victorious from a dispute with the IRS over my tax refund.

    Oh yeah, and Res moved back the deadline for the short story contest, so I'll have more time to write, and I started an astrology thread here that I'm having fun writing. All the negative crap that I can't do anything about can just fuck off!!! :)
    I don't mind lengthy...helps me to better understand. :)

    As far as the feeling dull, lack of mental activity seems to make me feel that way also...just kind of blah and apathetic. I like to be learning/doing new things; it keeps life interesting in a good way, and prevents me from dwelling on the negative aspects so much. Connecting with other like-minded people has a positive effect as well.

    I've never done any kind of formal meditation, but I do get into a sort of trance-like state when I'm writing. I come out of it feeling more refreshed, although sometimes the amount of time I have "lost" can be disturbing, lol.
    Lol. I can't imagine how bad a dragon mind fart would be...

    Other than mental flatulence, how goes it with you, dragon-shifter?
    You used words like rough patch and being stuck, but then expressed uncertainty about whether it's negative or positive. Because of the first words I want to offer concern and support for where you are, but then in consideration of the later evaluation I wonder if it might be a period of hibernation while you experience some sort of growth? Well, whatever it is you need, I hope that you are able to access it and please do call on me if there's anything I can do to support you.

    With my time...hmmm, I haven't quite figured that out yet. So far I'm just watching lots of stuff on Netflix (I know the TV is evil, but you'll forgive me, right?). I think that's an intermediary phase for me though. My sense is that as I pull out of this environment, I'm opening space for more contemplation, rather than a constant stream of input. Maybe I'll write. Thing is, I don't have many hobbies. Reading, writing, music, and visual entertainment covers it. I value (and envy a little) that you have so many other hobbies. I hope in this quiet space of yours you are finding places to indulge in those hobbies of yours.

    Visit me any time you'd like, OK. I enjoy your company. :)
    Hi, Free Mind! :) I'm here, but just staying in the background for a while. We'll say I'm in contemplation mode. I'm learning I have a lot of time that I don't know what to do with when I'm not on the internet so much. Maybe I'll find something productive to do with that time? ;) How about you? How have you been?
    Well dragons are pretty damn awesome too, I have a couple of tribal dragon tattoos :)
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