Free Mind
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  • Turns out I'm a slacker D: Your PM is in the works so expect it soooon! I might as well tell you now that I really enjoyed the songs you made ;D! And that they are all on my playlist ;D teehee
    Free Miiiind! Happy birthday, sweets! I hope you had an amazing day =)
    Looking forward to catching up with you soon (= <3 xo
    Keyword being evenutally. Also! I listened to your cover of Behind Blue Eyes. I was pleasantly surprised how good you were considering you've only been playing for 2-3 months! Moar please (=
    Yeah... It is an amazing feeling.. I added a bit more onto that post about how it made me feel too. Not sure if you read it. xD
    I dunno.. returning back here from such an amazing feeling was so... weird. Like I said, I dont see Spain as a 'get-a-way' even though the holiday kinda was.... I was genuinely happy there. I just hope things pan out for me here, because I will be here for a while... xP
    I guess I can overlook this. FOR NOW. Just because you said you take a lot of time due to thinking. One of the best ways to spend your time! + 100000 for you! Also! Your PM was so long and detailed. It was kind of exciting! I was like: :O!! When I saw it :P
    I hope you reply this time! Or I will give up PMing you entirely D: Do you want that, Free Mind? Is that what you've been trying to do this whole time? You're a suspicious fellow, HMM!
    I have now successfully subscribed to your blog :D! Exciting. You're right! I really should go to bed early so I'm more productive during the day xD I shall start doing this from...tomorrow! :D 4 pizzas this weekend...jealous. I wish I could afford four pizzas D: poor student is poor. You really didn't reply to our PM. I sadfaced ): and no problem for the reppage! I give reps where I see fit! Maybe I shouldn't be in your blog for too long or I'll rep everything D:
    Oh har har har! That was just a phase! Although I miss being confused on chat by you and Insontis changing names D: ! Maybe I should stay up more?! How are you? You should also teach me how to subscribe to threads because I can't see how D:
    In the end, if a person has food, shelter, companionship, security, entertainment, etc... that's what matters; not wealth, class distinction, etc
    Gursh, indeed... the cyclical consumption problem is kinda fatal, and ever more so as there are more consumers. We need to redefine so that our economies are based on health, happiness, security, et cetera... not satiation, consumption, debt, wealth (much less wealth imbalances) etc.
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