All your artwork is amazing! I should've been like mf and started a thread about it. It's so good. It makes me wish I hadn't sold my soult o full-IB, and listened to my art teacher and taken art instead. You've got major talent.
My friend (girl) has short wavy/curly hair and wears the exact type of hats in your profile picture. It's so amusing, because I always flash back to this page when I see her.
Yess I hope so haha I guess I'm a gloomy optimist too I just seem to feel all this antagonising pressure from almost everyone about my longed trip. But as always, I hope I will come out having an 'IN YOUR FACE' prove them wrong attitude ^^
Yes I will be in Vincennes, at least initially That sounds nice I'm so excited about it although also abit anxious and afraid because I have all this realism pressure on me from everyone.
hey, we gots a chat goin on, come join of you'd like
Shai Gar
Shai Gar
of course! cheesburgha!
Shai Gar
So, I've had my wank.
What else does the internet have to offer me?
Shai Gar
I feel charged whenever I talk to you.
Shai Gar
I've yet to go to Europe. Everyone else in my family has been except I.
Are you planning another trip soon? Your "Gap Year" perhaps? I'd love to have you showing me around Eastern Europe.
Shai Gar
Tip of the day:
When a police officer says to you "Put your hands up."