Its a very abstract question so my answer is going to be a bit abstract.
I like how Pin simply said its all about the reward. We act the way we act because we are hoping to obtain a pleasure of some sort. For each individual person it will vary what they experience most pleasure from so their...
Something which I have a hard time with is when it comes to showing people that I would like to be their friend and keep up with them. I will usually get a hunch about a person that they can be a good friend to me but when it comes to expressing to them that we should keep up I get really shy...
My theory on lust vs. love:
There are three different levels to romantic relationships:
1. The lowest level is lustful love which is completely sexual. It is related to the physical self and it can not full fill the emotional or spiritual self.This kind of relationship is short lived and it is...
Yes, definately the jews have been treated very unfairly throughout history. There isnt a specific "look" that will make one person more likely to be persecuted over another person. They were persecuted simply because they stood for something which other cultures felt threatened by. Most kings...
I usually dont have trouble trying to get to know people. The only thing that can be a difficulty is that I come across as a deep thinker and that can be a bit intense for some people. I try to keep it balanced by going silent for a moment and then I wait for the other person to give me a que to...
Wow, this is a very difficult situation you are dealing with, Bubs! You sound like you are ready to do almost anything to make ammends.
The only one who can know what she means when she uses her vague statements is her. Its okay if you dont understand all the time! You do come across as someone...
We all know baby Hitler was the son of a man who was physically abusive towards his own family. Growing up in such a household from such a young age has a very strong effect on the developing childs mind. He was conditioned to believe its okay to hurt others inorder to release your own anger. He...
Must feel like a bit of a tease for you Billy. She is getting all flirty with you all too fast for a professional environment. Remember that if you are the manager there, you are seen as someone powerful and the person whom everyone wants to rub shoulders with. She is a pretty girl who probably...
Next time you catch her looking at you, smile back and hold your gaze a extra 3 seconds before looking away. It also never hurts to be friendly towards someone. One thing to keep in mind is not to get your hopes up too high. Might work out and it might not. Only way to know is to test it.
Faces and body types actually say a lot about a person. The chinese read peoples facial features to give themself a clue about the individuals character. It is interesting how our facial muscles tense up and relax depending on our moods and thoghts. Its not for nothing that in movies they focus...